Doctoral Program Description & Handbook

Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year for the Ph.D. program are now being accepted. Apply by December 1!

The Department of Educational Psychology (EPSY) has a Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology: Learning Sciences. This graduate program is structured to prepare professionals whose primary interests involve issues of thinking and teaching.

The Ph.D. program in Learning Sciences bridges the gaps among psychological theory, research, and educational practice. Core courses include theories of learning, cognitive processes, quantitative and qualitative research methods, learning technology, and instructional design.

Research conducted by the program is supported by the Neag Information Technology Laboratory with networked computers, a wireless environment, multimedia development capabilities, and support technology for research and instructional development.

General Program Considerations

Each student upon formal admission to the Ph.D. program in Learning Sciences is assigned a major advisor who will guide the student in developing the plan of study. During the second semester of the program, the student selects an advisory committee chairperson and two committee members to advise and direct the student’s course of study.

Students are evaluated with a variety of methods throughout the program. In addition to formal evaluations such as course grades, the faculty may evaluate the student’s progress through research projects. An annual faculty review of the student’s progress is conducted. In order to continue on the program, students must make satisfactory progress through the program. Finally, the Learning Sciences Program has adopted a portfolio system to monitor each student’s academic and professional development.

Although the Ph.D. program is designed to encourage full-time graduate study, several students work part-time in the community. In most cases, these part-time positions are related to the student’s graduate program and consequently may even enhance the student’s skills, professional maturity, and overall educational goals. The Department of Educational Psychology has a limited number of graduate assistantships and fellowships for Learning Sciences Ph.D. students.

For more information about the Ph.D in Learning Sciences program, including program goals and admissions criteria, please see the PhD-Handbook-2020.


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